Info Sekolah
Kamis, 13 Feb 2025
  • Mari bersama sama menerapkan 5M guna memutus mata rantai penyebaran Covid-19. Sehat di mulai dari saya.

Nanin Kusuma, M.Pd

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Profil Singkat

My name is Nanin Kusuma. I’m a geography teacher. Learning geography in an exciting thing for me because I feel I can around the world and see the wonderful universe. And one of my pride when my students are winners in the Geography Olympiad.

I graduated from Sebelas Maret University in February 2000. And in 2011, I got a magister scholarship from the Government of East Java to study at State University of Malang and a year later I got a chance to study at Angeles University Foundation.

In 2017, I have the opportunity to join the program “Anseong Namsadang Baodeogi Folkloriada International Festival 2017” in South Korea.

The SMADA Java Journey Program in 2019, I was assigned to accompany and introduce Indonesian for in intercultural tourist visit to SMADA “Rebekah Ashley Zwink” from United States.

In 2019 too, I as coordinator teacher of SMA Negeri 2 Madiun cooperation with Unipma in “7th Batch of Pre service Student Teacher Exchange ini Southeast Asia” program The Sea Teacher Project by Southeast Asia Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO)

In January 2020, I got certificate of competence, Educational Service with Qualification/Competency, The Implementation of Face-to-Face Training from Indonesian Professional Certification Authority

And from 2018 until now, I’m an Assisstant Principal of Public Relations and partnerships at SMA Negeri 2 Madiun.

I really like listening to music and my hobby is travelling. For me, travelling is one of the best education. Education is a part of my life. I want to keep learning because I want to be a better teacher. More and more. And I believe, when we pray “God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, and give more than imagine”. ?
Thank you so much and lots of love from SMADA ❤️

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